WSM Law Entering the Blogging World

Good Afternoon!

At long last WSM Law (that’s me, Wendy Meadows) is entering the legal news and blogging world.  For so long a lot of us have been wishing for a huge pause button to come along so we can get all of the (many) to do list items done.  For me?  I am using some of my “downtime” while the courts are closed to research and really think about what the people of Maryland need family-law wise. First step?  Create a place where I can reach you, provide information to you, and hopefully make the practice of family law a little more transparent.

Stay tuned for

  • Maryland Family Law News
  • Information on how the Court Process Works
  • How courts are viewing custody matters in light of COVID-19 and Governor Hogan’s Orders
  • Information on Collaborative Law
  • A “What Is” Series
    • What is a Consult?
    • What is Mediation?
    • What is Collaborative Law?
    • What is a Scheduling Conference?
    • What is a Settlement Conference?
    • What is Discovery?
    • What are these Interrogatories?  (Or, as my clients like to call them “Interrogations”)
    • What is a Deposition?
    • What is trial and why is so expensive?

The good news?  Not only am I looking forward to time to share News with you.  I am looking forward to virtually meeting with you.  I am one of the lucky few who have been using platforms such as Zoom since 2016 to conduct “virtual” meetings, consults, mediations, etc. and I am up and running to help you during this scary/hectic/crazy/unforeseen pandmeic.  If you would like to schedule a consult with me to go over your family law matter, please contact me here and we can schedule a time (usually about 90 minuets to 2 hours) to discuss your situation.

All the best and wishing you safety and security,
